London Academy



02/03/2021 - A Newham consortium of local organisations - which includes Fight for Peace - has been awarded funding from the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) as part of the MyEnds programme. Funding will see Fight for Peace, Ambition Aspire Achieve,...

Overcoming adversity in Lockdown three

Overcoming adversity in Lockdown three

05/02/2021 - A third lockdown in twelve months presents substantial challenges and hardships for young people in London. It has also demanded speedy and wholesale adaptation by our Fight for Peace team of staff to ensure that, in whatever way possible, we are meeting...

Impacting lives through Youth Work

Impacting lives through Youth Work

05/11/2020 - Michael Appiah has a long association with Fight for Peace, he is currently a Youth Worker at our London Academy and was one of the very first Fight for Peace members back in 2007. During Youth Work Week 2020, Michael gives us his thoughts on the vital...

In memory of Sam Bezzina

In memory of Sam Bezzina

21/08/2020 - On 15th August we received the devastating news of the passing of our much loved London Academy Head Boxing Coach, Sam Bezzina. An extremely talented coach with a cheeky, fun loving personality, Sam led our boxing team over the past two years with skill...

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