by Kayla | Mar 18, 2021 | ALLIANCE
Episode four of the Fighting Back podcast was released this week, focusing on approaches to protecting the wellbeing of staff during a year of unprecedented challenges. Representatives from four Fight for Peace Alliance member organisations from across the UK...
by Kayla | Mar 8, 2021 | BLOG
Today, on International Women’s Day 2021, we are very happy to be handing over control of our blog to an inspiring member of the Fight for Peace team, and creator of the @dailydose_ofsarah Instagram page, Sarah Hussain: “Hey guys! My names Sarah, and I...
by Kayla | Mar 8, 2021 | LONDON ACADEMY
Fight for Peace’s Special Project has won the highly competitive Youth Justice Award at the 2020 Children & Young People Now Awards. The awards celebrate the very best in services for children, young people and families in the UK, and are selected by a judging...
by Kayla | Mar 3, 2021 | LONDON ACADEMY
03/03/2021 – One thing that didn’t stop in a year of lockdowns was the growth of the Peace Garden at our London Academy. This tranquil space tucked in behind our main gym continued to develop over the course of the second half of 2020, and recently completed...
by Kayla | Mar 2, 2021 | COLLECTIVES, LONDON ACADEMY
02/03/2021 – A Newham consortium of local organisations – which includes Fight for Peace – has been awarded funding from the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) as part of the MyEnds programme. Funding will see Fight for Peace, Ambition...
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