Local young people in Maré, Rio de Janeiro are being supported to get qualified in specialist digital technology courses via Fight for Peace’s employability programme. The aim is to support them to access jobs in the technology sector, an area of employment offering a variety of professional opportunities with consistently strong prospects and benefits.

The courses being taken focus on computer programming – specifically website development – and are delivered by provider Campinho Digital. The application process saw over 150 young people apply, with a class of 24 successful candidates beginning in March 2021.

The course lasts nine months and consists of weekly three-hour classes, and a monthly online meeting with a professional from the technology sector – a feature of the course aimed at expanding participants’ network of contacts in the market.

Two of these meetings have already taken place, one with a programmer from Rio de Janeiro who currently works in a startup in Berlin, and the other with a developer working in the fintech sector in Brazil.

In addition to gaining qualifications in programme development, the course also features classes in English, and personal and professional development to ensure that participants are best placed to take advantage of opportunities that they encounter. Laptops are also provided for the entirety of the course to any student without access to a computer. And course participants take part in practice interviews and are teamed up with a mentor to support their progress.

“I was always a big fan of technology”, said Eduardo, a young resident of Maré and a participant on the course. “When I was younger I tried to get on lots of different courses but they were too expensive for my family to afford.”

“Thanks to the partnership between Fight for Peace and Campinho Digital, I have the opportunity now to do a course, and I feel really grateful for this chance. The course has really helped me and has confirmed for me that this is the professional area that I want to work in.”

It’s inspiring to see the next generation of technology professionals from Maré begin their journey into the digital space. Support and opportunities to gain professional skills and experience is vital for anyone making their start in the job market, and in 2021 this support is needed more than ever. It is very exciting to accompany these young people over the coming weeks and months, as they make rapid progress towards their goals. 

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