Fight for Peace CEO, Lee shares thoughts on his recent trip to sister organisation, Luta pela Paz, and shines light on our shared approach to supporting young people.

Fight for Peace CEO, Lee shares thoughts on his recent trip to sister organisation, Luta pela Paz, and shines light on our shared approach to supporting young people.
150 women and girls come together for the second edition of the historic Destemidas 4km community run in Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro.
Fight for Peace sister organisation, Luta pela Paz, support Michele in reaching her employment goals following the effects of the pandemic.
A group of organisations in Rio de Janeiro join an exciting initiative to develop their learning and knowledge in partnership with Fight for Peace.
Boxer and former Fight for Peace member Shuga reaches Olympic quarter finals.
Local young people in Maré, Rio de Janeiro are being supported to get qualified in specialist …
09/05/2021 - As we come towards the end of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, we take a look at the work of young people at our Rio Academy who are leading the way in spreading the word and tackling taboos in mental health and wellbeing. In the second...
03/02/2021 - Between jabs and hooks, Fight for Peace Rio Academy member Rebeca shares her experiences as an elite boxer Anyone that thinks boxing is for boys doesn’t know what they are talking about. Women are becoming more and more prominent in the ring and showing...