ACT-AS-1, a Collective of organisations working together to improve youth safety in Newham, has officially launched its new logo and visual identity. This logo was produced by young people from the project and represents the strength of collaborative working across the east London borough.
The logo features a map of the London Borough of Newham with two hands reaching across and joining in the centre, reflecting the solidarity within ACT-AS-1. At the foot of the logo is the full name of the ACT-AS-1 acronym, All Communities Together are Strong.

Young people from ACT-AS-1’s Youth Leadership group created the logo design in collaboration with designers from Tottenham Textiles (Tottex). Workshops were held with Tottex founder Louie to sketch out the image and decide the colour scheme and the images and text that would appear. Another friend of ACT-AS-1, Change Design, also supported by building a set of brand guidelines so that the logo can be used consistently by all going forward.
“We are really pleased with the result”, said ACT-AS-1 Lead Richard Roach. “We were aware that we needed to do more to increase our visibility so that more people could get to know about and get involved in what we are doing with ACT-AS-1, and this logo is a big step towards that.”
“We really feel that this logo represents what we are all about and it’s so important that it was created by some of the young people we work with. I want to give a big shoutout to Louie from Tottenham Textiles who worked tirelessly with us on this. Without him this logo wouldn’t have been possible, thank you Louie.”
The ACT-AS-1 team now plans to use the logo and brand in a range of ways to boost visibility of the project in Newham and beyond. This includes branded clothing, posters, flyers and digital spaces.
ACT-AS-1 unites four organisations in support of young people in Newham, namely Ambition Aspire Achieve, Rights and Equalities in Newham, Exit Foundation, and Fight for Peace, the latter fulfilling a lead partner role. The organisations collaborate to deliver a programme of activities encompassing youth work, employment support, family activities, sports, and help for local grassroots organisations.
This project draws on a Collective Impact approach and is funded by the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). The particular focus of the programme is a hyper local area of east London namely the Barking Road corridor (the area from Canning Town Station to McDonalds), Freemasons Road and Prince Regent Lane.

The ACT-AS-1 team is gearing up for its first monthly Community Link Up event on Thursday 31st March. Community Link Ups are due to take place on the last Thursday of every month from 5.30-7.00pm, and are an opportunity for the community to come together and share experiences, ideas, and find solutions that work towards creating a safer Newham with and for young people. There is also an opportunity to gain up to £5000 in funding from the Neighbourhood Wallet Fund to support community-led ideas which will be launched at the first Community LInk up event.