Young people have been showcasing their creative skills, and sharing their perspectives, in monthly content days held at the Fight for Peace Academy, part of the Young Creatives Project.  

A new initiative for 2023, content days are designed to create a platform for young people at Fight for Peace to practise diverse creative skills including videography, sound and creative directing, presenting, and photography, while producing digital content for release on Fight for Peace’s social media channels.

At the same time, the days provide an opportunity for a range of young people to share and express ideas and opinions about issues that affect us all. 

“Content days have been a brilliant addition to our work with Young Creatives at Fight for Peace”, said Kayla Troy, who coordinates the Young Creatives Project. “The idea came out of our partnership with social/digital media company Brave Bison, the idea being to be as effective as possible in creating digital content that lands with young audiences and that is produced by young people.” 

“Not only is it inspirational to see young people who are interested in the creative sector develop their experience on the job and grow in confidence, it is also a vital opportunity to amplify the thoughts of our young people, which can have such a positive influence on anyone consuming our content,” Kayla added.

Camera operator and editor, Andrei (left), Director, Emmanuel (centre) and Young Creatives Coordinator, Kayla (right)

During the February edition of content day, young people were involved in designing and filming interviews of Fight for Peace members answering questions on a range of topics from inspirational women, to who they’d pick as their number two if they were Prime Minister, and problems they’d fix in the world. The Young Creatives involved included a camera operator, a presenter/host, a sound person and a director, each having different levels of experience and expertise.  

“Today my role was being the host, so asking the questions to the people and getting some really interesting answers,” explained Young Creative Ilenia. “I love the fact that I have been able to get out of my comfort zone and be in front of the camera. The energy was amazing and we just wrapped up, it was so much fun!”

Host, Ilenia interviews Fight for Peace member and boxer, Zee

Kal was one of the Fight for Peace members that was interviewed on the day: “I enjoyed the experience. I feel that most people that I haven’t even met yet know my story and know how I am and they can probably relate to it. It inspires other people and other people can share their stories and their inspirations from what they collected from me,” he said. 

“I believe that people need inspiration, a path to be revealed to them. If people don’t know where to go or how to go about it but you share your story and your opinion and how you are going about it and your aims and goals, they will have an understanding of where they need to go and you can be an inspiration to them,” he explained.

Content days are staged every month and you can keep up with what’s produced on the day, as well as all of the young people’s creative work, by following Fight for Peace on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Young Creatives is a Fight for Peace project which supports young people to develop their skills and experience in the creative sector, while producing digital content for Fight for Peace communications channels, and elevating young people’s thoughts and opinions to positively influence our society.

Young people take to the Hub to be interviewed by host, Ilenia

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