Earlier this month, North Woolwich became the stage for a full scale photoshoot celebrating Fight for Peace’s partnership with Reebok sportswear, and showcasing the great affection we have for our local community.

Photo: @99CLIQS

This endeavour was led by photographer and Fight for Peace Young Creative, Lily, and featured members of staff and young people from our London Academy wearing Reebok branded Fight for Peace sportswear in key locations in and around North Woolwich.

The shoot is part of the wider Fight for Peace Young Creatives project – a two year, Sport England funded initiative which aims to support young people to develop their creative skills and experience while contributing to Fight for Peace’s communications content, and influencing perceptions of young people and our community.

Reflecting on the experience of leading the two day shoot, Lily said: “It was amazing to see Fight for Peace young people and staff come together for this shoot and embrace our community. Having a group project with such a powerful message behind it made me beyond proud of the end results, and we’ve received such great feedback from our team and young people which is definitely well appreciated!”

Photo: @99CLIQS

Reebok has been a key strategic partner of Fight for Peace since 2015, supporting our work both in east London and around the world, and providing an extensive range of sportswear for our young people and staff. 

We’re very proud of this long standing partnership, and equally so of the connection we have with our home in London – North Woolwich. 

“We wanted this shoot to be set in our community as a way of representing the pride we feel for this place, which has been our home since 2007, and to create something visual that connects Fight for Peace, North Woolwich and Reebok,” explained Fight for Peace Communications Officer Kayla Troy, who coordinates the Young Creatives project. 

“The concept came from Lily, who was also keen to bring together our staff and our young people to take part in the shoot, which brought a renewed energy to the project. She did a brilliant job of planning and delivering this, as she has continued to do throughout her number of months working with us,” added Kayla.

The images taken in the shoot will be published on Fight for Peace’s social media pages and plans are afoot for an exhibition of the shots, and a permanent place for selected images to be hung in the Fight for Peace Academy.

Of course this project was only possible thanks to the models – our young people and staff – giving up their time to take part. A huge shout out must go to them for being true professionals throughout!

Photo: @99CLIQS

Thank you also to fellow Young Creative, Promise, who captured behind the scene footage of the shoots and to photographer Daniel, who supported Lily on the shoot days and shared his experience throughout.

You can see more of the images captured in this shoot over on the Fight for Peace Instagram page, and you can also keep up with all Lily’s photography on her business page @99CLIQS. Stay tuned for more content coming your way soon from our Young Creatives!

Photo: @99CLIQS

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